Title: I Am Number Four: The Lost Files: Nine's Legacy
Author: Pittacus Lore
Format: Ebook
Rating: 3.5 / 5.0
I was actually unaware that another "Lost Files" book was coming out until I saw it weeks after its release. I was expecting a lot from this book especially since I enjoyed a lot from the first "Lost Files' spin off. However, I was slightly disappointed after reading this and here's why:
Nine's story was very similar to that of Four's: days of endless training, no social life and a stupid girl that distracted them. Reading this book was like reading I Am Number Four all over again except that it was shortened 99x. Another thing that ticked me off was the romance. Can you say, cheesy? I'm pretty sure this series is being read mostly by guys so I don't get why they have to put a whole chunk of romance when it only needed a dash of it. I also think Pittacus Lore strongly believes in love at first sight.
Now, enough of all the negative stuff and let's move over to the pros. Can you say, ACTION? Oh yes. THIS is what we're looking for! Nine also has developed more Legacies than Four so we get to see more of his butt-kicking moves. What I also love is that the ending perfectly fit the climax of The Power of Six. (I suggest you read PoS first before reading this). Lastly, it was simple. Which was good since there were no redundant parts in the book.
To conclude, I think Nine's Legacy is a perfect short read while waiting for the 3rd book of the Lorien Legacies to come out. It has a whole lot of action, the plot is simple and if you like cheesy romance (yuck) this book is for you.
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